In OpenAPI terms, paths are endpoints (resources), such as /users
or /reports/summary
, that your API exposes, and operations are the HTTP methods used to manipulate these paths, such as GET
To attach a controller to a specific tag, use the @ApiTags(...tags)
export class CatsController {}
To define custom headers that are expected as part of the request, use @ApiHeader()
name: 'X-MyHeader',
description: 'Custom header',
export class CatsController {}
To define a custom HTTP response, use the @ApiResponse()
@ApiResponse({ status: 201, description: 'The record has been successfully created.'})
@ApiResponse({ status: 403, description: 'Forbidden.'})
async create(@Body() createCatDto: CreateCatDto) {
Nest provides a set of short-hand API response decorators that inherit from the @ApiResponse
@ApiCreatedResponse({ description: 'The record has been successfully created.'})
@ApiForbiddenResponse({ description: 'Forbidden.'})
async create(@Body() createCatDto: CreateCatDto) {
To specify a return model for a request, we must create a class and annotate all properties with the @ApiProperty()
export class Cat {
id: number;
name: string;
age: number;
breed: string;
Then the Cat
model can be used in combination with the type
property of the response decorator.
export class CatsController {
description: 'The record has been successfully created.',
type: Cat,
async create(@Body() createCatDto: CreateCatDto): Promise<Cat> {
return this.catsService.create(createCatDto);
Let's open the browser and verify the generated Cat

Instead of defining responses for each endpoint or controller individually, you can define a global response for all endpoints using the DocumentBuilder
class. This approach is useful when you want to define a global response for all endpoints in your application (e.g., for errors like 401 Unauthorized
or 500 Internal Server Error
const config = new DocumentBuilder()
status: 500,
description: 'Internal server error',
// other configurations
File upload#
You can enable file upload for a specific method with the @ApiBody
decorator together with @ApiConsumes()
. Here's a full example using the File Upload technique:
description: 'List of cats',
type: FileUploadDto,
uploadFile(@UploadedFile() file) {}
Where FileUploadDto
is defined as follows:
class FileUploadDto {
@ApiProperty({ type: 'string', format: 'binary' })
file: any;
To handle multiple files uploading, you can define FilesUploadDto
as follows:
class FilesUploadDto {
@ApiProperty({ type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', format: 'binary' } })
files: any[];
To add an Extension to a request use the @ApiExtension()
decorator. The extension name must be prefixed with x-
@ApiExtension('x-foo', { hello: 'world' })
Advanced: Generic ApiResponse
With the ability to provide Raw Definitions, we can define Generic schema for Swagger UI. Assume we have the following DTO:
export class PaginatedDto<TData> {
total: number;
limit: number;
offset: number;
results: TData[];
We skip decorating results
as we will be providing a raw definition for it later. Now, let's define another DTO and name it, for example, CatDto
, as follows:
export class CatDto {
name: string;
age: number;
breed: string;
With this in place, we can define a PaginatedDto<CatDto>
response, as follows:
schema: {
allOf: [
{ $ref: getSchemaPath(PaginatedDto) },
properties: {
results: {
type: 'array',
items: { $ref: getSchemaPath(CatDto) },
async findAll(): Promise<PaginatedDto<CatDto>> {}
In this example, we specify that the response will have allOf PaginatedDto
and the results
property will be of type Array<CatDto>
function that returns the OpenAPI Schema path from within the OpenAPI Spec File for a given model.allOf
is a concept that OAS 3 provides to cover various Inheritance related use-cases.
Lastly, since PaginatedDto
is not directly referenced by any controller, the SwaggerModule
will not be able to generate a corresponding model definition just yet. In this case, we must add it as an Extra Model. For example, we can use the @ApiExtraModels()
decorator on the controller level, as follows:
export class CatsController {}
If you run Swagger now, the generated swagger.json
for this specific endpoint should have the following response defined:
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginatedDto"
"properties": {
"results": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CatDto"
To make it reusable, we can create a custom decorator for PaginatedDto
, as follows:
export const ApiPaginatedResponse = <TModel extends Type<any>>(
model: TModel,
) => {
return applyDecorators(
ApiExtraModels(PaginatedDto, model),
schema: {
allOf: [
{ $ref: getSchemaPath(PaginatedDto) },
properties: {
results: {
type: 'array',
items: { $ref: getSchemaPath(model) },
interface andapplyDecorators
function are imported from the@nestjs/common
To ensure that SwaggerModule
will generate a definition for our model, we must add it as an extra model, like we did earlier with the PaginatedDto
in the controller.
With this in place, we can use the custom @ApiPaginatedResponse()
decorator on our endpoint:
async findAll(): Promise<PaginatedDto<CatDto>> {}
For client generation tools, this approach poses an ambiguity in how the PaginatedResponse<TModel>
is being generated for the client. The following snippet is an example of a client generator result for the above GET /
// Angular
findAll(): Observable<{ total: number, limit: number, offset: number, results: CatDto[] }>
As you can see, the Return Type here is ambiguous. To workaround this issue, you can add a title
property to the schema
for ApiPaginatedResponse
export const ApiPaginatedResponse = <TModel extends Type<any>>(
model: TModel,
) => {
return applyDecorators(
schema: {
title: `PaginatedResponseOf${model.name}`,
allOf: [
// ...
Now the result of the client generator tool will become:
// Angular
findAll(): Observable<PaginatedResponseOfCatDto>